Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012

just think about it

first , i just wanna say "Welcome Back" to me . . ^^ , it's so long time ago since my last post.
suddenly i realizes how lazy i am --"

in fact, there're many things i wanna post in here , according to some event that just happened. About car accident in jakarta , flood and storm in capital city , korean wave in indonesia , and the coming of some korean artist in indonesia. 

But, cause there're many News that have been reported about it, so i just wanna write my opinion about the capital city of indonesia and its condition. 

several days ago , i and my father watched News report on television about flood and traffic that always happen in jakarta , the capital city of indonesia. How can the most important city in a country have a worst condition like that. Maybe not just a foreigner who felt it, but also the civil like me. i think the goverment should rearranged this country. 

almost report said that the problem is because the human factor who can't preserve the enviroment. I think the problems is not just about it, but also the layout of that city. In Jakarta , the central of goverment and the central of bussiness and entertaiment industry is be one there. so , when something happen in that city, it will be effected in many area sectors. Maybe this is also one of reason many artist canceled their concert in here, cause the bad condition of this country.

let's imagine about it , how about move one of them in kalimantan island ? indonesia have many empty area and island , right ? so each sector will not effect each other.

note : hahaha . .  i still learn to write english.. 

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